','gtm_script');KANE & ABLE TP (MR) - Shaky Kane, Krent Able - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Shaky Kane, Krent Able (A/CA) Shaky Kane, Krent Able
Comic book wise guys, KANE and ABLE, serve up a summer dump cake of genre-busting mischief and masked mayhem in this oversized anthology of never-before-published strips.
Slip in and out of subconsciousness with the Astonishing Shield Bug!
Surf the Fleshwave with Black Fur in "Who Fears The Deathroach?"!
Journey into the sub-basement in the gasoline-tinged "Dustmites"!
Ride into the Creepzone with Nightmare and Sleepy in the aptly named "Creepzone"!
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