','gtm_script');LAST WITCH GN - Conor McCreery - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Conor McCreery (A/CA) Vv Glass

When the witch known as Cailleach hunts the children of the village Saoirse, a brave and reckless young girl, will defy her father and discover the secrets of the witch's tower!

But when the Cailleach captures Saoirse and her brother Brahm, their lives are forever changed in ways they never expected.

Now, Saoirse will have to save everyone she loves by discovering the truth about the mysterious mark on her shoulder - and embracing her secret magical powers!

Conor McCreery (Adventure Time/Regular Show) and V.V. Glass (Doctor Who) kick off a new young adult fantasy trilogy that shows the greatest magic of all lies inside of us!
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