','gtm_script');MY YEAR AS EMMA GN - Amena Kheshtchin-Kamel, Frank Cvetkovic - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Amena Kheshtchin-Kamel, Frank Cvetkovic (A) Giulia Giacomino
Based on a true story, multi-hyphenate Amena Kheshtchin-Kamel's debut graphic novel My Year as Emma is a timely story on staying true to who you are, no matter the consequences! A young Persian/Egyptian-American actress changes her appearance and legal identity to a blonde white woman in an attempt to escape stereotyping and break into Hollywood, while struggling not to lose her cultural identity in the process. We follow her journey as she navigates the Cannes Film Festival and enjoys all the perks that come with her newfound persona as Emma. Will she turn her back on her culture for her big chance at success, or will she stay true to herself?
In Shops: Jul 09, 2025
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