','gtm_script');SPAWN SCORCHED TP VOL 03 - Sean Lewis, Todd McFarlane - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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  • Share the positive experience of our cooperation and recommend us to your friends and acquaintances:
(W) Sean Lewis, Todd McFarlane (A) Stephen Segovia, Von Randal (CA) David Mack
The team has triumphed over the Sin Devourers, but a traitor lurks among them. Spawn and the Scorched team are at odds, and tensions are high. A plea for help arrives, and a new member tests Jessica's leadership. When they think they have it all figured out, a new threat arises, and a blast from the past throws everything into chaos! Collects Scorched issues #13-18.
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