','gtm_script');ABSOLUTE TRANSMETROPOLITAN HC VOL 01 NEW ED (MR) - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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A new edition of the Absolute hardcover collecting the first 18 issues of Warren Ellis' dystopian masterpiece plus the Transmetropolitan story from Vertigo: Winter's Edge #2 and Transmetropolitan: I Hate It Here. After years of self-imposed exile, cynical journalist Spider Jerusalem is forced to return to a job that he hates and a city that he loathes. Working as a reporter for the newspaper The Word, Spider attacks the injustices of his surreal 21st century surroundings.
$150.00 US | 544 PAGES | 8.25" x 12.5"
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