','gtm_script');ASTONISHING ICEMAN OUT COLD TP - Steve Orlando - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Steve Orlando (A) Vincenzo Carratu (CA) Jesus Saiz
The omega-level mutant and original X-Man gets a new solo series, and it's Bobby Drake as you've never seen him before!

After the events of this year's can't-miss Hellfire Gala, Bobby Drake sets his sights on ever-greater levels of heroic deeds. But as a new situation develops that links Iceman to his Antarctic ice palace, he'll have to be slicker than ever to accomplish his mission before anti-mutant science cabal Orchis knows what hit them!

COLLECTING: Astonishing Iceman (2023) 1-5
Rated T+
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