','gtm_script');BATWOMAN #16 VAR ED - Marguerite Bennett - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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BATWOMAN #16 VAR ED - Marguerite Bennett

BATWOMAN #16 VAR ED - Marguerite Bennett
(images are for illustrative purposes only)
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Standard price: 4.30,- € incl. VAT, You save: 2.15,- € incl. VAT (50%)
2.05,- € excl. VAT
2.15,- €Price incl. VAT
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(W) Marguerite Bennett (A) Fernando Blanco (CA) Michael Cho
"The Fall of the House of Kane" part four! Alice's deadly plague of virus-ridden bats may have been torn from the sky, but she still roams free. Now Batman must do whatever it takes to stop her - even if that means going through her sister, Batwoman, to do it. Blood ties and betrayal wage war in a clash for control that's been in the making since the day Kate Kane put on the cowl: Batman vs. Batwoman!

(we reserve the right to change the description and specifications without prior notice)