','gtm_script');BUFFY VAMPIRE SLAYER LEGACY EDITION TP VOL 02 - Chris Golden, Andi Watson, Doug Petrie, Tom Sniegoski - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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BUFFY VAMPIRE SLAYER LEGACY EDITION TP VOL 02 - Chris Golden, Andi Watson, Doug Petrie, Tom Sniegoski

BUFFY VAMPIRE SLAYER LEGACY EDITION TP VOL 02 - Chris Golden, Andi Watson, Doug Petrie, Tom Sniegoski
(images are for illustrative purposes only)
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Standard price: 28.63,- € incl. VAT, You save: 2.87,- € incl. VAT (10%)
24.54,- € excl. VAT
25.76,- €Price incl. VAT
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(recycling fee is counted in the price)   
(W) Chris Golden, Andi Watson, Doug Petrie, Tom Sniegoski (A) Cliff Richards
* Set during the third season of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series, discover the untold stories of the Scoobies during the most dangerous time ever - their final year at Sunnydale High! As if finals and the threat of further education weren't bad enough, Buffy & her friends will have to fight superpowered vampires and doppelgängers, all at the whim of the terrifying Big Bad Selke!
* Collects Buffy the Vampire Slayer #11-19 (Dark Horse Comics), as well as short stories from the era, including "Bad Dog," the first comic work by screenwriter/director and Buffy alum Douglas Petrie.
(we reserve the right to change the description and specifications without prior notice)