','gtm_script');DOC FRANKENSTEIN POST MODERN PROMETHEUS HC - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Larry Wachowski, Lana Wachowski (A) Steve Skroce, Geof Darrow, Tino Rodriguez, Virgo Paraiso
Doc Frankenstein was born in the back offices of The Matrix Trilogy, as a labor of love, one we've continued working on, amidst change both personal and global. This oversized deluxe hardcover edition adds 64 new pages to complete the story. The collection includes a very personal introduction by Lana Wachowski and is topped with an original cover painting by Geof Darrow, Steve Skroce, Tino Rodr guez and Virgo Paraiso. Collecting issues #1-6, plus 64 first-time-in-print pages.
(we reserve the right to change the description and specifications without prior notice)