','gtm_script');FIREFLY #25 ONE PER STORE VAR - Greg Pak - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Greg Pak (A) Pius Bak (CA)
* New Characters! New Enemies! The BRAND NEW VERSE ers starts here!
* For the FIRST TIME EVER, it's the most-demanded Firefly story ever, as the series jumps forward in time after the battle with the Reavers that left Wash & Book dead.
* Mal and the new crew of Serenity set a course for the EARTH THAT WAS!
* That's right, fans will see what's happened to Earth for the first time in Firefly history - and that means all the rules are going out the window, in ways even Mal can't imagine...
* A Perfect Jumping-On Point For New Fans!
(we reserve the right to change the description and specifications without prior notice)