','gtm_script');GRRL SCOUTS STONE GHOST TP (MR) - Jim Mahfood - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Jim Mahfood (A/CA) Jim Mahfood
Superstar artist and comics-makin' weirdo JIM MAHFOOD returns to his creator-owned GRRL SCOUTS universe for a brand-new adventure!
Join DIO, TURTLENECK JONES, and GORDI as they face off against the sinister and unpredictable evil of THE TEETH! Hilarious, over-the-top, psychedelic action will ensue, you guys! Packed from cover to cover with completely unique, eye-poppin' MAHFOOD art, including bonus comics and behind-the-scenes fun! Also featuring additional artwork from PEACH MOMOKO, JIM RUGG, MATTEO SCALERA, and more! Feel the Funk!

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