','gtm_script');HELLSING DLX ED TP VOL 05 (MR) - Kohta Hirano - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Kohta Hirano (A) Kohta Hirano, Kohta Hirano
The manga that spawned the worldwide hit anime, Kohta Hirano's Hellsing returns in new editions with revised translations and new graphic design. The world has become a bloody fever dream with humanity on the brink of annihilation as the Millennium Project's army of Nazi undead prepare for the final assault on England aboard the captured aircraft carrier Eagle. Only the Hellsing Organization's vampire lord, Alucard, can hope to blunt the unholy onslaught-which is exactly what the Millennium Project's dark masters are counting on!
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