','gtm_script');HEROBEAR & KID 2013 ANNUAL #1 - Mike Kunkel - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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  • Share the positive experience of our cooperation and recommend us to your friends and acquaintances:
WHY WE LOVE IT: Herobear and the Kid was a selfpublished, allages hit before allages comics were en vogue. It's a beautifully drawn, endearing story that connects both with kids and the kid in all of us who dreamed of having a hero best friend.
WHY YOU WILL LOVE IT: Mike Kunkel's charming art will remind you of classic animation techniques and his stories will inspire and warm your heart. It's a perfect comic to hand to the young dreamer in your life or share with your family.
WHAT IT'S ABOUT: It's Halloween...one of Tyler's favorite times of the year. Everyone loves to dress up, hang out with friends, and of course, the free candy. Tyler tries his best to do what all kids aim to do on Halloween and that's getting all the candy possible. Good thing he has Herobear to help him this year!

(W/A/CA) Mike Kunkel
(we reserve the right to change the description and specifications without prior notice)