','gtm_script');HOUSE OF M #1 - Dennis Hopeless - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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  • Share the positive experience of our cooperation and recommend us to your friends and acquaintances:
(W) Dennis Hopeless (A) Marco Failla (CA) Kris Anka
• The House of Magnus controls all, having crushed all resistance to their reign. Magneto rules with an iron-fist, while his children and grandchildren live their lives as royals-with all the privileges and pit-falls that come with that title.
• But is Magneto's control as all-encompassing as it seems? And what happens to a conqueror when there is no one left to conquer?
Rated T+
(we reserve the right to change the description and specifications without prior notice)