','gtm_script');IM STILL ALIVE OGN HC (MR) - Roberto Saviano - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Roberto Saviano (A/CA) Asaf Hanuka
When world-renowned Italian journalist Roberto Saviano put pen to paper at age 26, he'd change laws, expose widespread corruption, put his own life at risk, and save countless others...

Gomorrah, his groundbreaking international bestseller and NYT Notable Book of the Year, exposed the inner workings of the Italian mafia and placed Saviano under direct threat which has necessitated 24-hour police protection to this day.

Joined by award-winning cartoonist Asaf Hanuka (The Realist, The Divine), Saviano shares his deepest thoughts and experience of life in Naples, where he witnessed the power and violence of the mafia firsthand.
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