','gtm_script');JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL OMNIBUS VOL 03 HC - Keith Giffen, J.m. Dematteis, and Others - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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Written by Keith Giffen, J.m. Dematteis, and Others Art by Kevin Maguire, Bart Sears, Chris Wozniak, Chris Sprouse, and Others The Keith Giffen/J.M. DeMatteis era of Justice League International comes to an end in this third omnibus that sees DC's other super-team taking on alien conquerors, fanatical fascists, and other villains that the Justice League is...um...too busy to deal with. This massive volume features a brand-new wraparound cover by series artist Kevin Maguire and collects stories from Justice League America #51-60, Secret Origins #33-35, Justice League America Annual #5, Green Lantern #18, Justice League Quarterly #2-5, JLA 80-Page Giant #1, Formerly Known as the Justice League #1-6, JLA: Classified #4-9, Justice League Europe #26-36, DC Retroactive: JLA - The '90s #1, Justice League Europe Annual #2, and Justice League International Special #2.
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