','gtm_script');LEGENDERRY GREEN HORNET TP - Daryl Gregory - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Daryl Gregory (A) Brent Peeples (CA) Joe Benitez
From the pages of Bill Willingham's Legenderry: A Steampunk Adventure... it's Green Hornet and Kato, goggles-deep in an all-out gang war. Against a Neo-Victorian backdrop of clockworks and bowler hats, writer Daryl Gregory and artist Brent Peeples take the classic pulp crusaders and their war against crime - infiltrating the enemy in their colorful masked guises -- to whole new levels of whimsy and wonder!
When Little Lord Homicide makes his claim as heir to the Big City's underworld, the pint-sized child psychopath incites a gang war against the reigning Veiled Lady... and draws our disguised heroes into a web of intrigue and revenge. As urban warriors from every dank alleyway pour into the violent cobblestone streets, a mysterious new player known as the Brass Hornet makes the chaos decidedly personal by offering a king's ransom for the Green Hornet's head!
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