','gtm_script');LEGION OF SUPER HEROES SILVER AGE OMNIBUS HC VOL 01 - Otto Binder, Jerry Siegel, Edmond Hamilton - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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LEGION OF SUPER HEROES SILVER AGE OMNIBUS HC VOL 01 - Otto Binder, Jerry Siegel, Edmond Hamilton

LEGION OF SUPER HEROES SILVER AGE OMNIBUS HC VOL 01 - Otto Binder, Jerry Siegel, Edmond Hamilton
(images are for illustrative purposes only)
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Standard price: 71.59,- € incl. VAT, You save: 7.16,- € incl. VAT (10%)
61.36,- € excl. VAT
64.43,- €Price incl. VAT
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(W) Otto Binder, Jerry Siegel, Edmond Hamilton (A) Al Plastino, Curt Swan (CA) J. Bone
The tales that introduced the teen-team known as the Legion of Super-Heroes are collected in an Omnibus Edition for the first time! Don't miss these stories from the pages of ADVENTURE COMICS #247, #267, #282, #290, #293 and #300-328; ACTION COMICS #267, #276, #287 and #289; SUPERMAN #147; SUPERMAN ANNUAL #4 and SUPERMAN'S PAL JIMMY OLSEN #72, #76; and SUPERBOY #86, #89, #98 and #117.
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