','gtm_script');NOW GHOST RIDER #1 - Felipe Smith - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Felipe Smith (A) Danillo Beyruth, Tradd Moore (CA) Marco Checchetto
It's hell on wheels as the Spirit of Vengeance makes his roaring return! A mysterious object from space crash-lands in southern California, drawing some of the brightest minds in the Marvel Universe to Ghost Rider's backyard - including Amadeus Cho, the Totally Awesome Hulk! What mayhem will be unleashed as the High-octane Hothead comes face-to-face with the Jade Genius? And with Robbie still possessed by the ghost of his evil uncle Eli...who's really in the driver's seat? Then, meet the newest speed trap in Ghost Rider's life as his original creators Felipe Smith and Tradd Moore reunite for a special backup story and the debut of an all-new villain. Strap in and start your engines, True Believer, this one's gonna be a scorcher!
Rated T

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