','gtm_script');SPONTANEOUS GN (MR) - Joe Harris - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Joe Harris (A/CA) Brett Weldele
From acclaimed writer and filmmaker Joe Harris (Ghost Projekt, The X-Files) and acclaimed illustrator Brett Weldele (The Surrogates, Southland Tales) comes a slow-burn horror thriller of obsession, belief, and restitution.

Phenomenon, conspiracy, or delusion? "Kelvin" Melvin Reyes was only three years old when Spontaneous Human Combustion took his father from him. He's since devoted his life to exploring the mystery behind the phenomenon, searching for a pattern and predictors that he might save others from that same fiery fate. But the closer he gets to his goal, the further things lead down a well of secrets, horrors, and terrible truths. Is SHC real? And if so, can it be stopped?

What follows is a supernatural trip down a suburban rabbit hole as Melvin's quest to honor his father's memory unlocks the mysteries of his town's dark past and his own family secrets.
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