','gtm_script');STEPHEN MCCRANIES SPACE BOY TP VOL 02 - McCranie, Stephen - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) McCranie, Stephen (A/CA) McCranie, Stephen
To Amy, everyone has a flavor. Jemmah, her best friend from the colony, is the flavor of pineapple and jalapeño. Cassie, from Earth, is like red pepper.

After being forced to leave her space-colony home when her dad was fired, Amy starts to adapt to a new life on Earth. High School seems difficult at first, but a close group of friends begin to make the transition easy for Amy, and she finds herself falling down a rabbit hole in her relationship with the mysterious, flavorless Oliver.

o Currently serialized on Webtoons.com with over 50,000 unique readers (19,000 from the US alone)

o From the creator of Mal and Chad (published by Penguin Young Readers and carried in the scholastic Book Fair)
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