','gtm_script');SUICIDE SQUAD BY JOHN OSTRANDER HC OMNIBUS VOL 01 - JOHN OSTRANDER and others - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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Written by JOHN OSTRANDER and others
Art by LUKE McDONNELL and others
$125.00 | 1024 pages | 7 1/16" x 10 7/8" | Hardcover | ISBN: 978-1-79950-141-1
ON SALE 5/20/25
Where it all began! Comics legend John Ostrander introduces the Suicide Squad for the modern age in this brutal tale of war and redemption. Collects Suicide Squad #1-18, The Doom Patrol and Suicide Squad Special #1, Checkmate #1 and #8, The Fury of Firestorm #62-64, Firestorm the Nuclear Man Annual #5, Justice League International #13, Legends #1-6, Manhunter #1, Secret Origins #14, a story from Secret Origins #28, and pages from Millenium #4.
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