','gtm_script');SUPERGIRL WOMAN OF TOMORROW THE DELUXE EDITION HC - TOM KING - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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Written by TOM KING
Art and cover by BILQUIS EVELY
$49.99 US | 264 Pages | 7 1/16" x 10 7/8" | Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-77952-607-6

Her planet was destroyed. Sent to Earth to protect a baby cousin who never needed saving. Forever living in his shadow. The Supergirl to his Superman. But when Kara is sought out by an alien seeking revenge on those who destroyed her world, everything changes. She will need to embark on a mission across space to find herself, defy her pasts, and face her future. From Tom King and Bilquis Evely comes a character-defining cosmic masterpiece for the ages. Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow The Deluxe Edition collects the complete saga (issues #1-8) and features a brand-new introduction by Tom King, a brand-new cover by Bilquis Evely, the never-before-published alternate script for issue #6, and a treasure trove of behind-the-scenes artwork from Evely.
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