','gtm_script');TALES OF THE UNNAMED THE BLIZZARD TP - Geoff Johns - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Geoff Johns (A/CA) Andrea Mutti
Set in same world as Geiger and Junkyard Joe, this tale of the Unnamed stars Michael Verardi, who was convicted for shooting and killing the man who murdered his son. While being transferred to a high-security prison, a violent blizzard leaves Michael stranded on a Colorado mountain with other convicted felons and transport guards. After witnessing unexplainable visions of their sins, a ferocious monster threatens to tear them all apart in retribution... Collects the entire story of The Blizzard, as originally published in Image! 30th Anniversary Anthology #1-12.
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