','gtm_script');WONDER WOMAN BLOOD AND GUTS TP (DC COMPACT COMICS EDITION) - BRIAN AZZARELLO - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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Art and Cover by CLIFF CHANG
$9.99 US | pages | 5.5 x 8.5 | Softcover | ISBN: | 978-1-79950-249-4
ON SALE 8/19/2025
When Wonder Woman is willing to take a stand against Hera, queen of the gods, she makes herself an enemy. But Hera isn’t the one Wonder Woman should be worried about…Hera’s daughter, Eris, has a secret that will shatter Wonder Woman’s life. Plus, Hades and Poseidon need to settle who will be king of the gods, and Wonder Woman can’t let their turf war decimate the realm of man! And what true story of the gods is complete without a little trip to hell?
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