','gtm_script');IMMORTAL X-MEN BY KIERON GILLEN TP VOL 02 - Kieron Gillen - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Kieron Gillen (A) Lucas Werneck, Michele Bandini (CA) Mark Brooks
Judgment comes, courtesy of the Eternals... and the Quiet Council grows suspiciously quiet. With one notable exception: Do you think a man devoted to Hellfire cares one jot? Let's find out! Plus, even if you're the heart of the X-Men, there are days you just want to tear out other people's hearts. Judgment day is one of them. What extreme steps will Nightcrawler take in the name of the Spark? Collecting IMMORTAL X-MEN (2022) #7-10.
Rated T+
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