','gtm_script');SUMMONERS WAR TP VOL 01 LEGACY - Justin Jordan - Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
Komiksový Raj - Originál komiksy z USA a UK
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(W) Justin Jordan (A/CA) Luca Claretti, Giovanna Niro
Skybound dives into the wondrous world of SUMMONERS WAR, the popular mobile game where magical monsters are summoned in a neverending battle of good vs. evil!

Rai knows there's only one way out of her nothing town - to become a summoner! But when she's recruited by Abuus Dein as an apprentice, she embarks on the adventure of a lifetime and is thrust into a war for the fate of the world.

Journey to Alea alongside JUSTIN JORDAN (THE STRANGE TALENT OF LUTHER STRODE, REAVER) and newcomer LUCA CLARETTI for an action-packed fantasy perfect for new readers.

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